The Hotchkiss School

Biomass Heating Plant

Lakeville, CT

The Hotchkiss School

Biomass Heating Plant

Our Role: LEED Consulting and Administration, LEED Fundamental and Enhanced Commissioning

Project Completion



By building a biomass facility to power its entire campus, The Hotchkiss School defined themselves as a leader in sustainability and committed to their goal of being carbon neutral by 2020. These biomass boilers use bole chips from sustainably managed forests and this biomass plant will help Hotchkiss reduce its carbon footprint by 35-45% and save over $600,000 per year, a 60% reduction in annual heating costs. The heating plant also serves as an educational tool for students, staff, and the community. The Stone House Group helped this project achieve a LEED Gold certification.

Continuous SHG Involvement

The Stone House Group has provided services to The Hotchkiss School since 1999, including LEED Consulting and Administration, LEED Fundamental and Enhanced Commissioning, Retro-Commissioning, Energy Procurement, Utility Master Planning, ASHRAE Energy Audits, Energy Capital Investment Planning, Greenhouse Gas Inventory and Climate Action Planning, and Energy Modeling. The Stone House Group continues to support Hotchkiss in their energy management efforts for the campus, including commissioning services for a new dormitory on campus. By procuring Hotchkiss’s electricity for them, The Stone House Group has reduced the School’s electricity rate by 40%.